
Kent Emison Featured in Great Trials Podcast

Kent Emison and Hoyt Tessener were featured in the Tyndall v. Ford episode of the Great Trials podcast series. This case was tried on behalf of an 11-year-old boy who was paralyzed in a car crash due to an inadequate seat belt design.

Positioned in the rear center seat of his father’s 1999 Ford Escort, Che-Val Batts’ two-point lap belt jackknifed him when another car suddenly pulled out in front of the Escort, leaving Che-Val with damage to his internal organs and spinal cord, rendering him a paraplegic. The other passengers, who were restrained by three-point seat belts, sustained significantly less severe injuries. This podcast looks at how in spite of knowing the higher safety rating of three-point seatbelts and including these more effective restraints in other models, Ford continued to manufacture Escorts with a rear center seat two-point seat belt, violating the company’s own safety policies.

Click here to listen to this podcast episode.

